We provide spaces and opportunities for the intersection of artistic practice and research. Such creative investigations might take the form of collaborative and open-ended forms of exploration and inquiry that lead to new work and insights.
This salad spoon and fork set, made by the Gorham Manufacturing Company ca. 1885, is named after the coastal town of Narragansett, Rhode Island. Replete with intricately detailed shells, seaweed, and sea creatures—including small fish and tiny crabs—these two sea-encrusted utensils were my point of inspiration for a set of five brooches. In the following article I will describe some of the basic processes used to create my Narragansett-inspired jewelry
Community MusicWorks commissioned composer and vocalist Ken Ueno to write Four Contemplations for the restoration and rededication of RISD Museum's Dainichi Buddha.
The Museum recently acquired *Huevos de Los Angeles*, a collaborative work by two RISD alumni, Adam Silverman and David Wiseman. Here the artists describe how they created "eggs" to rival the most coveted variety.