Interested in art collecting? Learn more about The Collector's Journey, designed for those who want to turn their curiosity about art into a meaningful, informed collection.
Membership is for everyone. Feel at home in the galleries, explore new exhibitions, or share the collection with visiting friends and family. Membership also supports access to art and design for others in the galleries and beyond. We offer additional membership options for Rhode Island Artists, recent RISD graduates, newly naturalized U.S. citizens, colleges and universities, and libraries and community organizations. Questions? Call the Membership Office at 401 454-6321.
All youth and children aged 18 and under are always invited to visit the RISD Museum free of admission fees.
Benefits for all Members
- Free admission for one year
- Invitations to members-only events
- Subscription to the Museum e-newsletter Connect, and member e-newsletter
- Discounts and advance registration for museum programs
- Membership in the College and University Art Museums Reciprocal Program
Additional benefits are available for Artist level memberships and above.
Digital Membership Cards
All members automatically receive a digital membership card. This change increases accessibility and offers an environmentally friendly option, while enabling us to invest more of your contributions into the programs you love. With this green initiative, your updated cards will always be available on your smartphone.
- Digital Membership Card Instructions
To access your digital membership card, follow the steps below:
- Download the eMembership Card App on your smartphone (Available in Google Play or App Store).
- In the eMembership App, search for the RISD Museum, and select Find My Membership Cards.
- Enter the last name and phone number associated with your membership (please note that if you have multiple phone numbers with us, only your primary number will work).
- When prompted, select Download My Cards. This will download and save your card to the app.
- If you’d like to download your card to your Apple Wallet or Google Pay, select Add to Google Pay or Add to Apple Wallet.
I don’t have a mobile phone or smartphone; what can I do?
Email or call 401 454-6321 to request a printed membership card.I downloaded my card, but now I can’t find it; where did it go?
Simply search in your app library for eMembership. For easier access, you can also add your card to your Apple or Google Wallet after downloading.I renewed my membership, but the expiration date hasn’t been updated. How do I fix this?
To get your new expiration date, simply redownload your card following the instructions above.When I try to download my card, I receive an error message stating that I’ve downloaded the maximum number of cards allowed. What should I do?
Contact or call 401454-6321 for assistance.Do I need a printed card to access my reciprocal benefits?
You do not need a printed card to access reciprocal benefits. In the eMembership App, the reciprocal benefits associated with your membership level are listed under benefits. You can use your digital card at other reciprocal museums.I lost my phone, can I still visit the museum?
Yes, you can always check-in with your last name and phone number at the Visitor Services desk.
Depending on the membership level, members have access to over 1,000 museums nationwide through our three reciprocal programs. Reciprocity benefits are level-specific. Please note that membership purchases are non-refundable. Choose the membership level that suits you:
RISD Museum Membership Levels
Select a level below to view additional benefits, join, or give as a gift
- ARTIST - $50
Discounted rate for one adult who identifies as an artist or designer
10% discounts at RISD Store, RISD Continuing Education, and Café Pearl
One adult
- 10% discounts at RISD Store, RISD Continuing Education, and Café Pearl
- PLUS ONE - $100
One adult plus one guest every visit
Card-holding member must be present to admit guest-
Membership in the Reciprocal Organization of Associated Museums (400+ museums worldwide)
- HOUSEHOLD - $100
Two adults in the same household
Membership in the Reciprocal Organization of Associated Museums (400+ museums worldwide)
- FRIEND - $200
Two adults in the same household
- Membership in the Reciprocal Organization of Associated Museums (400+ museums worldwide)
- Membership in the North American Reciprocal Museum Association (1,000+ museums nationwide)
Two adults in the same household
- Membership in the Reciprocal Organization of Associated Museums (400+ museums worldwide)
- Membership in the North American Reciprocal Museum Association (1,000+ museums nationwide)
- Access to trips and tours with the Museum Travel Alliance.
- 2 Guest Passes
- 15% Discount for gift memberships
Two adults in the same household
- Membership in the Reciprocal Organization of Associated Museums (400+ museums worldwide)
- Membership in the North American Reciprocal Museum Association (1,000+ museums nationwide)
- Complementary mailing of Manual, a journal about art and its making
- Invitations to Museum travel opportunities
- Radeke Circle - $1,500 +
Radeke Circle members provide critical support for the Museum’s core curatorial, educational, and community activities. In addition to all the benefits above, Radeke Circle members enjoy special access and additional opportunities to engage with the director and curators. For more information, contact Museum Advancement at 401 709 8659. Radeke Circle member benefits are tier-specific and include.
Two adults in the same household, up to four adults admitted every visit.
- Membership in the Reciprocal Organization of Associated Museums (400+ museums worldwide)
- Membership in the North American Reciprocal Museum Association (1,000+ museums nationwide)
- Invitations to Museum travel opportunities
- One-time guest passes to share with friends and family
- Invitations to special events and behind-the-scenes opportunities
- Personal invitation to join the director and curators for more intimate events and special travel opportunities
- Complementary mailing of Manual, a journal about art and its making
- RISD Museum Publication
- Discounts on member programs
- Rental priveleges (based on availability, restrictions and fees apply)
- A private tour with the Museum director or curator (by request)
Access Membership Options
- RI Artist Membership - $0
The RISD Museum remains deeply engaged with its creative community and supports the cultivation of artists, designers, and makers of all kinds through its collection, exhibitions, publications, programming, and, since 2015, the Rhode Island Artist membership program.
- Free admission to the Museum for one year
- Discounts and advance registration for programs
- Invitations to events and members-only trips
- Subscription to the Museum e-newsletter Connect, and member e-newsletter
- Membership in the College and University Art Museums Reciprocal Program
- Residents of Rhode Island only
- Free for one adult who identifies as an artist or designer
- Not eligible for gift membership
RI Artist membership is a green, paperless program. Your identification or proof of residence serves to validate your membership and gain entry into the Museum.
- RISD Recent Alumni Membership - $0
RISD alumni receive free individual membership to the RISD Museum for ten years following their graduation date. Alumni status is validated by the Membership Office prior to emailing your membership card.
- Free admission to the Museum for ten years following graduation date
- 10% Discounts at RISD Store, RISD Continuing Education, and Café Pearl
- Discounts and advance registration for programs
- Invitations to events and members-only trips
- Subscription to the Museum e-newsletter Connect, and member e-newsletter
- Membership in the College and University Art Museums Reciprocal Program
- Free for one RISD alumni within ten years of graduation date
- Not eligible for gift memberships
- Welcome Citizen Membership - $0
Reginald Marsh, Statue of Liberty with Figures in Crown, 1954. Gift of the Estate of Felicia Meyer Marsh. Are you a recently naturalized U.S. citizen living in Rhode Island? The RISD Museum welcomes you to sign up for one free year of membership. The Museum was founded on the belief that art, artists, and the institutions that support them play pivotal roles in promoting broad civic engagement and creating more open societies. This initiative offers our newest citizens the opportunity to be part of a creative community that shares art, design, culture, and ideas.
All youth and children aged 18 and under are invited to visit the RISD Museum free of admission fees.
- Free admission to the Museum for one year for one adult plus one guest every visit
- 10% Discounts at RISD Store, RISD Continuing Education, and Café Pearl
- Discounts and advance registration for programs Invitations to events and members-only trips
- Subscription to the Museum e-newsletter Connect, and member e-newsletter
- Membership in the College and University Art Museums Reciprocal Program.
- Naturalized in the State of Rhode Island in the last 12 months
- Current Rhode Island resident with valid mailing address
How to Apply
- Fill out a membership form
- Bring a photo or copy of your naturalization certificate to our Visitor Services desk (optional)
¿Es usted un ciudadano estadounidense recientemente naturalizado que vive en Rhode Island? El Museo RISD le da la bienvenida para registrarse para un año gratis de membresía. El Museo se fundó con la creencia de que el arte, los artistas y las instituciones que los apoyan juegan un papel fundamental en la promoción de un compromiso cívico amplio y en la creación de sociedades más abiertas. Esta iniciativa ofrece a nuestros nuevos ciudadanos la oportunidad de ser parte de una comunidad creativa que comparte arte, diseño, cultura e ideas.
Todos los jóvenes y niños menores de 18 años están invitados a visitar el Museo RISD sin costo de admisión.
- Entrada gratuita al museo por un año para un adulto más un invitado por visita
- Descuentos del 10% en la Tienda RISD, Educación Continua RISD y Café Pearl
- Descuentos y registro anticipado para programas Invitaciones a eventos y viajes solo para miembros
- Suscripción al boletín electrónico del museo, Connect.
- Membresía en el Programa recíproco de museos de arte colegios universitarios y universidades.
- Naturalizado en el estado de Rhode Island en los últimos 12 meses
- Residente actual de Rhode Island con dirección postal válida
Cómo hacer la solicitud
- Complete un formulario de membresía
- Traiga una foto o copia de su certificado de naturalización a nuestro mostrador de Servicios al visitante (opcional)
Organizational Membership Options
Library and Community Group Passport Program - $150 +
College and University Membership - $1,750 +