
Cloth as Metaphor in Egungun Costumes

Egungun costumes are usually created from a wide variety of carefully chosen fabrics ranging from exquisite samples of local handwoven aso ofi to exotic fabrics imported from aro

What Shall We Do Next?

An Interview with Artist Julien Prévieux

Curatorial assistant A. Will Brown interviews artist Julien Prévieux about his videos What Shall We Do Next? (Sequence #2) and Patterns of Life.

Written in Gems

RISD Art Circle explores Ancient Greek and Roman Intaglios

As part of the RISD Art Circle (RAC), we create opportunities for visitors to learn about objects more deeply and to experience hands-on making.

As Is Painting, So Is Poetry

Myth and Metamorphosis in the RISD Gallery

Curatorial intern Anthony Stott explores the journey of the myths of Ovid—from text to visual medium—in three objects in the neoclassical galleries.

From Museum to Bedside

The Need for Museum Educators In Medical Education

The RISD Museum continues to build a robust collaboration with Brown University's Alpert Medical School, providing professional-development opportunities for premedical students, medical students, residents, and practicing attending physicians.