How can this object shed light on contemporary experiences?
Explore these resources to discover its connections to the present, sparking new perspectives and dialogue. Dive into past articles that deepen the conversation around the museum’s ongoing work.
Scholar Jen Thum, “Taking the Nature of Things at Face Value, in Ancient Egypt and in Museums,” on an ibis mummy in Manual 18 (Nature)
Anand Prahlad, “Reflections on Marlon Mullen’s Untitled” in Manual 17 (Variance)
Artist Roberto Lugo, “A Note on Mattering,” on Lugo’s A Century of Black Lives Mattering in Manual 11 (Repair)
Educator Mariani Lefas-Tetenes, “Assembling History: The Landing of Roger Williams in 1636” in Manual 6 (Assemblage)
Life as a Spalter Teaching Fellow
From Museum to Bedside: The Need for Museum Educators In Medical Education
Critical Encounters: Nancy Elizabeth Prophet