How did the object find its way to the museum, and why is it presented this way?
Explore these resources to uncover the journeys, decisions, and histories that shape its presentation. Dive into past articles that enrich the conversation around the museum’s ongoing work.
Ojibwe scholar Taylor Rose Payer, “Gashkibidaagan: A History of Ojibwe Survivance,” on a bandolier bag in Manual 15 (Green)
Nancy Elizabeth Prophet Fellow Tayana Fincher, “Recontextualizing Histories: Categorizing the Black and Brown,” on a Nubian shoe in Manual 14 (Shadows)
Art historian Ugochukwu-Smooth C. Nzewi, “The Head in Focus: Benin Art and Visual History,” on the head of an oba (since repatriated) Manual 8 (Give and Take)
Tomaquag Museum executive director Lorén Spears and scholar Kevin McBride on a portrait of a Native American sachem in Manual 6 (Assemblage)