How did the object acquire meaning? How can we truly understand it?
Explore these resources to uncover the stories, interpretations, and cultural contexts that shape each piece. Dive into past articles that spark dialogue and deepen the conversation around the museum’s ongoing work.
Kiowa elders Vanessa and Carl Jennings, “Our Cradleboards Are Living Beings,” on a Kiowa cradleboard in Manual 16 (Intimacy)
SEI specialist Kajette Solomon, “Tek Yuh Hand Tun Fashion,” on a scrapbook of Jamaican doilies in Manual 15 (Green)
Scholar Elon Cook Lee, “Unraveling Narratives of Violence, Activism, and Abolition,” on an untitled toile textile in Manual 12 (On Further Review)
Jess Urick, “Navigate the One-Way Intimacy of Conservation,” on a stained set of stays Manual 16 (Intimacy)
Karina Gabarini "229 Felixes"
Colin Orihuela, "Untitled (I don’t think this textile has anything to say to us quite yet but when it does, it’s all mic’d up)"
Panel Discussion: Diasporic Threads: Black Women, Fiber & Textiles